Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas parties, oh my

Last week we were bombarded by Christmas parties. Between the Christmas party we had here for Mitch's coworkers and all Addy's activities and Riley's teachers and therapists I feel like I've been buying gifts nonstop.

Last week we had Addy's swimming party, where she got to decorate an underwater tree!

We also had Addy's dance party, which I liked since parents normally don't get to stay and observe so it was fun to watch them put on a mini-performance for us.

And of course there were the school parties. We didn't go to Riley's - I guess no parents did so while I felt a little guilty I didn't feel TOO guilty. I had already committed to help out at Addy's party which was the same day and time so I had fun watching the kids make a mess, I mean make crafts and decorate cookies. :)

I made cupcakes for Addy's dance party which were pretty good, if I do say so myself. :)
Ok I think I'm caught up in my blog now! Except for a ridiculously funny story about Mitch the night he picked my brother up from the airport. But I need to try to get a picture off my brother's phone first!

bye-bye glasses

Ok so that is a picture of me with Riley as a baby, so going on 4 years ago now. But it's the only one I could find of me wearing glasses!
I had LASIK done 11 days ago and am SO happy I can see! I was a little worried at first because my left eye was blurry for a while, but now it's all good.

my parents

Are here!

They are renting an apartment about 20 minutes from my house for THREE months! It's so strange (but in a good way) to be living in the same town as my mom and dad again. I haven't lived within 4 hours of them since ... well I guess since I lived with them in high school and summers in college! It's especially nice now that I have kids, too. Addy is loving being able to see her Gramma nearly every day. And I love being able to go over there for dinner when Mitch has a work dinner.

It's also fun to do things like meet my mom WITHOUT the kids and go shopping! Here we are doing just that at Target. :)